All about the Photography Workshops
Here you can find out all about a typical workshop and what you can expect.
You can also check out the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.
Who are my Workshops for?
My workshops are suited primarily for those starting out in landscape photography, including absolute beginner photographers looking to understand the use of their camera and art of landscape photography.
What you can expect to learn?
* You will understand the relationship between the exposure controls and the effects they have on the image; * How to use Aperture, Shutter and ISO to control exposure with the help of the Exposure Meter and Histogram; * How to make the best use of the cameras’ metering systems; * How to setup your camera for optimum image creation, taking the guesswork out of all those complicated settings; * You will learn about Lens Choice and how different focal lengths can be used effectively in the environment; * You will learn about Depth-of-Field and how to set the camera up to Focus effectively; * You will be introduced to Neutral Density Filters, when and how to use them; * You will learn about Long Exposure Photography; * You will gain an appreciation of the fundamentals of image composition.

When enrolling on one of my workshops, there may be several dates to choose from, so firstly make sure you pick a date that's suits you. Take particular note of the time the workshop begins, as this will vary throughout the year depending on the sunrise/sunset times. Be warned, the summer sunrise workshops start very early ! Once you have made your booking you will be sent a confirmation email with your ticket and details of everything you need to know to get the most out of your chosen workshop. The email will confirm the start time & place, and will also provide any information relevant to the location(s), such as what to wear etc. The enrolment confirmation process will ask for some details from you, namely; your perceived skill level, what camera gear you will be bringing to the workshop, and if there is anything in particular that you would like to learn on the day. This information will help me prepare so that I can be of as much help as possible on the day. My workshops are limited to 6 participants so that I can be sure to spend time with each of you.
On the day
After an initial meet & greet at the agreed start point, I will talk briefly about what you can expect from the workshop, and we shall proceed to setup some initial images, with me advising of how best to configure your camera. Most of my workshops will include more than one location and the order of the day will depend on whether it is a sunrise/sunset workshop. Again, all the information will be in the confirmation email. During the Workshop, you can expect me to spend plenty of time with each of you, to make sure you are getting the most out of the day. I definitely don't prioritise taking pictures myself, although I may sneak in the odd photograph if the light is particularly great! Food and refreshments are not included in the cost of the workshop, so please bring any that you need, or at least some money to buy some snacks should you need them. We don't stop for lunch during a workshop, so please come prepared. For those that might not have all the equipment they need, I have spare tripods and a range of Lee100 Filter systems for you to use, including the Lee Big and Little Stoppers for some long exposure photography.

Finishing up
Once your workshop day has been completed, I will send you some useful information including a couple of guides to help you remember what you have learnt. The aim of the day is go away with some news skills, and have had fun time learning them. You are more than welcome to book with me again on another of my workshops, and you will be given a discount code to use on a future date. For all other details, including those pesky Terms & Conditions, please be sure to read the Policy Documents, which can be found at in the footer of the website.
Some free stuff you get to keep
Once the workshop has been completed, you will receive a link to number of useful documents to help solidify what you have learnt. You will also be invited to send me your best image from the Workshop, so that I can edit it in my style, and return it to you free of charge in both High and Low Resolution.